Texas Care Facility Operator Charged as Probe Links 20 Deaths to Alleged Neglect and Abuse

Arlington, Texas — Local police are escalating their investigations into a series of mysterious fatalities tied to a purported assisted living facility operated by 49-year-old Regla “Su” Becquer. Since September 2022, over 20 deaths of clients linked to the facility have set off alarm bells within the community and law enforcement.

Becquer, who ran the “Love & Caring for People LLC,” now finds herself at the center of a grave legal battle, facing a murder charge in connection to one death, alongside other allegations of neglect and abuse in her care homes scattered across Texas.

The inquiry into these deaths gained momentum in March, following Becquer’s arrest on charges related to abandoning or endangering an individual in circumstances that could cause severe bodily injury. Subsequent revelations of potential neglect, inadequate care, abuse, and fraud have widened the investigation’s scope, leading to increased scrutiny of her business operations.

“The allegations paint a troubling picture of exploitation and disregard for human life under the guise of care and compassion,” said Lt. Kimberly Harris of the Arlington Police Department. Harris expressed deep concern over the situation, indicating that early findings might only represent “the tip of the sector.”

Among the deceased, the majority had been buried, cremated, or donated to science, complicating efforts to uncover the cause of death. However, autopsies performed on two individuals revealed disturbing evidence, prompting further investigations. This included the case of Steven Kelly Pankratz, whose autopsy indicated death by mixed drug toxicity.

“These were individuals under her supervision, and the evidence suggests that medications not prescribed to Mr. Pankratz were administered,” a spokesperson from Arlington PD remarked, highlighting a deliberate act that led to Pankratz’s death.

As the investigations continue, the collaboration between the department’s Behavioral Health and Homicide units underscores the complex and potentially expansive nature of the misuse and abuse within Becquer’s operations.

Held at the Tarrant County Jail, Becquer’s bond has been set at an unusually high $1.5 million, reflecting the seriousness of the charges against her. This case brings to light critical issues around the oversight of home-based healthcare providers, and the systems meant to safeguard the most vulnerable from exploitation and harm.

This incident has jarred the local community and advocates for the elderly, prompting calls for stricter regulations and oversight in the home healthcare industry. It draws attention to the crucial need for vigilance and stringent enforcement of standards to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

As the legal proceedings against Becquer progress, significant attention will be focused on ensuring justice for the deceased and their families, and perhaps broader reforms to protect future patients in similar settings. This case may well serve as a catalyst for change in an industry where trust and care are paramount.