48 Employees Across Three New York Sites Face Layoffs at Health Care Services Firm

New York, NY – A health care services company based in New York has announced plans to lay off 48 employees across three of its sites in the state. This decision comes as a result of the company’s reevaluation of its staffing needs and operational efficiency. The affected employees will be notified of the layoff in the coming weeks, and the company is offering support to help them with the transition. The layoffs are expected …

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Tragic Oversight: A Mother’s Heartbreak After Son’s Death Exposes Systemic Failures in Mental Health Care Facility

Hamilton, New Zealand — The troubling death of Joe Carter, a mentally ill man who died by suicide while under compulsory care, has spotlighted systemic failures within New Zealand’s health system, despite a coroner’s critique and subsequent recommendations. Carter, who had a long history of mental health struggles and substance misuse, tragically passed away after he was allowed unsupervised leave from the Henry Rongomau Bennett Centre in Waikato Hospital on August 25, 2019. Previously housed …

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Breaks Down the Record 447,493 Ohioans Enrolled in Affordable Care Act in 2024

Columbus, OH – A record number of Ohioans have enrolled in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplace Plan, according to data compiled by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In 2024, a total of 477,793 Ohio residents signed up for the program, marking a significant increase from the previous year’s enrollment of 294,644 and even more so from 2022, when only 259,999 enrolled. This surge in Ohio’s enrollment reflects a larger national trend, …

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Income Limit Jeopardizes Health Care for Low-Income Seniors in Vermont

JEFFERSONVILLE, Vt. — When Jamie and Linda Draper turned 65, they were hit with thousands of dollars in health care costs due to a state policy that reduces subsidies for older Vermonters living in near poverty. The couple, surviving on an annual income of about $28,000, found themselves ineligible for the full benefits of Vermont’s Medicaid program, unlike most low-income residents, once they turned 65. Chief of the Vermont Office of the Health Care Advocate, …

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Supreme Court Cases Shape Future of Health Care Policy in 2024

Washington, D.C. – As the year 2024 unfolds, the legal landscape is set to be defined by several pivotal court cases that have significant implications for healthcare policy. From controversies surrounding abortion to challenges to the Affordable Care Act and Medicare drug price negotiations, these legal battles are expected to shape healthcare policy for millions of Americans. The first major legal battle centers around the Supreme Court of the United States, which is set to …

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Police Investigate Texas Care Home After Multiple Client Deaths, Operator Charged with Murder

Arlington, Texas – A distressing inquiry is underway as investigators have connected over 20 deaths since September 2022 to an assisted living care facility operated by a woman now charged with murder and other serious offenses. This unsettling pattern emerged from the scrutiny of “Love & Caring for People LLC,” managed by Regla “Su” Becquer. In March, amid growing allegations of neglect, inadequate care, theft, fraud, and abuse at her care operations, Becquer was charged …

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Texas Care Facility Operator Charged as Probe Links 20 Deaths to Alleged Neglect and Abuse

Arlington, Texas — Local police are escalating their investigations into a series of mysterious fatalities tied to a purported assisted living facility operated by 49-year-old Regla “Su” Becquer. Since September 2022, over 20 deaths of clients linked to the facility have set off alarm bells within the community and law enforcement. Becquer, who ran the “Love & Caring for People LLC,” now finds herself at the center of a grave legal battle, facing a murder …

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Health Care Costs Presented as a Crisis Influences Political Decisions

Washington, DC – The issue of rising health care costs has been labeled a “crisis” as far back as 1969, with every US president since then acknowledging the problem. However, the constant declaration of a crisis has led some to question the impact of this label on actual policy changes. According to a recent column by health policy expert Drew Altman, the ongoing use of the “crisis” label may have unintended consequences, as it often …

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Immigrant Health Care: Colorado’s Program Provides Coverage for Those in Need

FORT COLLINS, Colorado – When Gabriel Henao fled Colombia to escape a threatening guerrilla group, he never imagined the challenges he would face in seeking medical care in his new home. Settling in Fort Collins, Colorado, Henao struggled with severe stomach pain that left him bedridden for days at a time during his time in Mexico and continued to plague him in the United States. A lack of health insurance coverage and limited income made …

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Private-Equity Owned Home Care Provider Abruptly Leaves 1,100 Clients Without Services

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – When Help at Home abruptly left Alabama last fall, nearly 800 caregivers were gone, leaving 1,100 older and disabled clients in need of replacement of services. The company cited the challenging “reimbursement and regulatory environment” in the state as the reason for its departure. According to Kristen Trenaman, the company’s vice president of public relations, the issue was in recruiting and retaining enough workers. Debra Davis, deputy commissioner for the Alabama Department …

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