Retirement Plan Payout: Three Factors To Consider

The good news is you have a pension. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 15% of private industry workers had access to a specified pension plan in 2024. And if you are close to retirement, you may be considering at what age to start the income or to take a payout. There are many factors to consider in your decision. Inflation: Pension income is usually level, meaning it doesn’t increase over time. Once you …

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Social Security 2025 COLA Increase Predicted to be Lower Amid Abating Inflation

Washington, D.C. – The upcoming Social Security cost-of-living adjustment for 2025 is expected to be lower than the increase seen in 2024, as inflation rates are showing signs of abating. The Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan group, forecasts a 2.4% raise in benefits for next year based on current inflation metrics, aligning closely with the Congressional Budget Office’s projection of a 2.5% increase. This is a decrease from the 3.2% bump seen in 2024. Mary …

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401(k) Emergency Withdrawals Skyrocket Amid Rising Inflation Crisis: Vanguard Data Shows Record Numbers Making Tough Financial Decisions

New York, USA – In response to the ongoing inflation crisis, a growing number of Americans are resorting to emergency withdrawals from their 401(k) retirement plans to mitigate financial hardships. Data from Vanguard Group reveals that nearly 3.6% of workers with employer-sponsored 401(k) plans made “hardship” withdrawals in 2023, representing a significant increase from previous years and marking the highest level since data tracking began in 2004. Hardship withdrawals allow individuals to access their 401(k) …

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Retire Later and Live Larger: The Hidden Perks of Working Just a Few More Years

Many individuals eagerly anticipate retirement, with some even marking off the days as they approach it. While there are compelling reasons to retire early, such as enjoying good health and having the freedom to travel or spend time with family, there’s also a persuasive argument for holding off on retirement for a bit longer. This is particularly true for those uncertain about their retirement savings, a concern countless Americans share. Here are some compelling reasons …

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Avoiding Pitfalls: A Comprehensive Guide to Dodging 5 Common Retirement Mistakes

Retirement is a stage of life that many look forward to, imagining days filled with leisure and freedom from work-related stress. However, achieving a financially secure retirement requires meticulous planning and wise decision-making. Despite the wealth of information available, many individuals still fall prey to the same retirement planning mistakes. Below are the five common errors and offer strategic solutions for removing them. #1 The Procrastination Problem: Time Is of the Essence The Mistake: Many …

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Making Your Retirement Portfolio Market-Proof with Supplemental Income Streams

Amidst uncertain economic conditions, elevated inflation rates, and ongoing discussions regarding the future of Social Security, both workers, and retirees find themselves pondering how they’ll sustain their livelihoods once a steady career income is no longer present. Constant news headlines reporting unfavorable market dynamics can exacerbate the unease of contemplating retirement living standards and fulfilling necessities. Fortunately, there exist alternative income strategies that remain less susceptible to the fluctuating currents of the stock market. These …

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Is Your Retirement at Risk? The Disturbing Forces That Could Derail Your Future

Many factors are affecting the life of the Social Security Program. Future retirees need to know which factors could potentially disrupt retirement and what steps can be taken to be prepared for them. Over the past few decades, concerns about Social Security’s sustainability to support retiring seniors have become a common topic in the media. The program is estimated to face a shortage of funds as early as 2033-2034 if no action is taken. However, …

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How To Understand The Essential Numbers For Retirement

Retirement is a major event in one’s life, signifying the conclusion of a rewarding career and the start of a new phase that values leisure, exploration, and quality time with loved ones. Achieving a comfortable retirement necessitates meticulous preparation and financial security, taking into account several factors that determine the amount of savings required to sustain one’s preferred way of life.