Police Investigate Texas Care Home After Multiple Client Deaths, Operator Charged with Murder

Arlington, Texas – A distressing inquiry is underway as investigators have connected over 20 deaths since September 2022 to an assisted living care facility operated by a woman now charged with murder and other serious offenses. This unsettling pattern emerged from the scrutiny of “Love & Caring for People LLC,” managed by Regla “Su” Becquer.

In March, amid growing allegations of neglect, inadequate care, theft, fraud, and abuse at her care operations, Becquer was charged with abandoning or endangering an individual under circumstances likely to cause severe bodily injury. The probe, initially sparked by these charges, has dramatically widened its scope over subsequent months, according to Arlington police.

Lieutenant Kimberly Harris described the situation as gravely concerning, hinting that the full extent of the misconduct might still be undisclosed. “After everything we’ve learned, it’s clear to say she did not love or care for anyone,” said Harris.

The Arlington Police Department revealed that most of the deceased clients had been disposed of through cremation, burial, or by donating bodies to science, complicating the task of determining the exact cause of death. Nonetheless, the examination of two bodies that did undergo autopsy revealed troubling results, influencing the current direction of the police investigation.

Specifically, on June 20, authorities charged Becquer with murder following the autopsy of Steven Kelly Pankratz, who reportedly died from mixed drug toxicity while under her care. Investigators believe Becquer administered medications to Pankratz that he had never been prescribed, leading directly to his untimely demise.

The case has attracted considerable attention due to the gruesome implications of the charges and the possible number of victims indirectly affected by similarly nefarious acts. Police spokesperson Tim Ciesco emphasized the hurdles faced by investigators, explaining, “It’s important to note that many of the deaths occurred months or in some cases, more than a year before our investigation began.”

Currently incarcerated, Becquer remains at the Tarrantedd County Jail with her bond set at $1.5 million. The arrest has cast a spotlight on the accountability of privately-operated residential care facilities and the measures in place to protect those most vulnerable.

The investigation continues as both the Homicide and Behavioral Health Units of the Arlington Police Department work in tandem to scrutinize each case, aiming to unearth any additional misdoings and to ensure similar incidents are prevented in the future. This ongoing case serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for stringent oversight in environments designed to care for individuals unable to care for themselves.