Windfall: 401(k) Industry Quietly Passes $300 Billion to Wealthy

Washington, D.C. – Lawmakers in the United States quietly passed a bill that experts say could result in a $300 billion windfall for the wealthy, raising concerns about the influence of the 401(k) industry on Congress. The legislation, known as the ‘401(k) Fairness Act,’ has sparked debate among politicians and experts on its potential impact on income inequality. The bill was introduced by representatives who have received significant donations from the financial industry, leading critics …

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“Pension Puzzles” – Navigating the Windfall Elimination Provision and Early Social Security Benefits

AUSTIN, Texas – Many individuals face uncertainty about their Social Security benefits, especially when it comes to factors such as pensions and continuing to work. One such individual, a 63-year-old state employee from Illinois, seeks clarity on whether their Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) reduction will be eliminated if they continue working in a job that contributes to Social Security. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) is a rule that applies to individuals who have earned a …

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