Rising Temperatures in Greece Spell Danger for Visitors: Fatalities and Missing Persons Increase Amidst Scorching Heatwave

Athens, Greece — A severe heatwave sweeping across Greece this week has escalated into a significant hazard, particularly for the country’s influx of summer tourists, including reports of multiple fatalities and missing persons. The sweltering temperatures, which have soared to potentially record-breaking highs, are testing the limits of both local emergency services and visitor preparedness. Health authorities have attributed several deaths directly to the extreme conditions, underscoring the lethal threat posed by such intense heat, …

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Location Data Company Near Intelligence Inc. Investigated for Targeting Abortion Clinic Visitors

Portland, OR – A new investigation by Senator Ron Wyden’s office has revealed troubling implications of location tracking data being used to target individuals seeking reproductive health services. The investigation focused on Near Intelligence Inc. after it was discovered that an anti-abortion group had utilized data from the company to identify individuals who had visited reproductive clinics. In the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, concerns have been raised about the …

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