Survey Reveals Retiree Concerns: Inflation and Social Security Benefit Cuts Dominant

PHOENIX, Arizona – A recent survey conducted by the Nationwide Retirement Institute has revealed that retirees are most concerned about inflation and potential Social Security benefit cuts. This study was further emphasized by the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, which indicated that immigration was the top concern for over a third of Americans surveyed. The link between inflation, Social Security, and immigration is a complex one, with far-reaching implications for retirees and the future of the Social …

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Retirement 2024: Worst States to Retire Revealed in New Survey

FRANKFORT, KY – A recent study from WalletHub has revealed the worst places to retire in the U.S. in 2024, with Kentucky, New Jersey, and Mississippi taking the top spots. The study compared various factors such as tax rates, cost of living, access to quality medical care, and recreational activities across all 50 states. In contrast to the “Best Places to Retire,” these ten worst states generally have higher taxes and crime rates, as well …

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Social Security Shock: Survey Reveals Potential $17,000 Cut Catching Couples by Surprise

A recent survey conducted in Monterey, California has revealed that many couples may face an unexpected reduction in their Social Security benefits. The study found that a potential cut of up to $17,000 could impact the majority of couples, catching them off guard with financial implications. According to the research, the proposed reduction would primarily affect couples who rely on Social Security as a significant portion of their retirement income. This news comes as a …

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Education Crisis in Rhode Island Revealed in Annual Child Well-Being Survey

Providence, Rhode Island – A recent report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation revealed that Rhode Island has been ranked 12th in a nationwide survey of children’s well-being. Although this ranking is commendable, the state falls behind other New England states, with the exception of Maine. The report highlights the state’s performance in various categories, including health, economic well-being, family and community, and education. Notably, Rhode Island ranked sixth in health and ninth in economic …

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Retire Abroad Dreams Dampened by Tax and Legal Hurdles in UK Wealth Managers’ Survey

London, UK – With the arrival of summer in the UK, many individuals are beginning to consider the idea of retiring abroad. Research conducted by private bank Arbuthnot Latham reveals that a significant number of wealthy UK residents are contemplating a move overseas, driven primarily by a desire for an improved quality of life. Wealth managers have noted a growing interest in countries like Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal as potential retirement destinations. However, the …

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Benefits Survey Shows Americans Concerned About Medicare and Social Security Funding

Austin, Texas – Concerns are rising among Americans about the reliability of receiving Medicare and Social Security benefits as they approach retirement age. Amid uncertainties surrounding the trust funds for these critical programs, many are questioning their financial security in their later years. A recent survey highlighted the growing unease among seniors and those nearing retirement age regarding their ability to rely on these essential benefits. With ongoing discussions in Congress about the future of …

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Retirement Debt on the Rise for Older Adults, Survey Finds

BOSTON, MA – A recent survey from the Federal Reserve has revealed that an increasing number of older adults in retirement are burdened by debt. According to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances, the percentage of individuals aged 65 to 74 with debt has risen to 65% in 2022 from 50% in 1989. Similarly, those aged 75 and over reporting debt has increased to 53% in 2022 from 21% in 1989. While limited retirement income …

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Retirement Crisis: Americans Fear Medicare and Social Security Collapse, Survey Reveals

New Orleans, Louisiana – Concerns are mounting among Americans regarding the future of Medicare and Social Security as they approach retirement age. A recent survey conducted by Gallup reveals that the majority of adults are increasingly worried about the stability of these state-funded programs. The survey indicates that three-quarters of adults express concerns over losing healthcare benefits during their golden years, while four-fifths fear the potential collapse of Social Security. The survey results reflect a …

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Americans Vulnerable to Unexpected Expenses: Survey Reveals Nearly Half Have $500 or Less in Savings

New York, United States – A recent survey conducted by GOBankingRates revealed that nearly half of Americans have $500 or less in their savings accounts, leaving them vulnerable to unexpected expenses. The survey, which covered 1,063 U.S. adults, highlighted the financial challenges faced by a significant portion of the population. The lack of substantial savings was evident, with about 29% of respondents having between $501 and $5,000 in their savings accounts, and the remaining 21% …

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Albertans Overwhelmingly Oppose Exiting Canada Pension Plan, Survey Finds

EDMONTON, Alberta – A recent survey conducted in Alberta has found that 52% of residents are against the idea of the province exiting the Canada Pension Plan. The survey, which was conducted by a local research firm, revealed that a majority of Albertans are in favor of remaining within the national pension plan. This sentiment comes amid discussions within the provincial government about potentially leaving the CPP and creating a separate plan for Alberta. Supporters …

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