Heroic Teen Saves Victim During Brutal Machete Attack, Attackers Now Face Sentencing: Details Revealed

In a gripping incident from August 6, 2021, in Rishton, Lancashire, UK, the courage of a 15-year-old girl potentially saved a life during a violent attack involving machetes, an axe, and a golf club. The victim, Tom Hilton, then 17, was set upon by a group of youths at a derelict paper mill, a spot notoriously frequented by local teens. Details revealed in court highlighted how the young girl heroically intervened, throwing herself over Hilton …

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Ruby the Dog’s Heroic Rescue Saves Man from Icy Michigan Lake

TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan – A pet dog named Ruby saved her owner from a life-threatening situation this week when he fell into an icy lake. The dramatic rescue was captured on video by a police officer’s body camera and quickly went viral online. The brown and white patched dog came to the rescue when her owner, a 65-year-old man, fell into the freezing Arbutus Lake in East Bay Township. Unable to traverse the thin ice …

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**Retirement Security Highlighted in America Saves Week**

Washington, D.C. – As America Saves Week approaches from April 8 to 12, organizations have a prime opportunity to promote sound financial practices and individuals to evaluate their saving habits. This year’s theme revolves around the idea of “Saving for What Matters Most.” Undeniably, planning and saving play integral roles in a successful retirement. The importance of starting to save for retirement as early as possible cannot be overstated; those with a concrete plan are …

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