Healthcare Workers’ Wellbeing Must Take Priority to Ensure Patient Safety

New York, USA – Health care workers in New York are facing immense challenges as they strive to prioritize their patients’ wellbeing while dealing with mounting stress and burnout. The pressures of the job, coupled with personal and work-related stressors, are taking a toll on the mental and physical health of these dedicated professionals. The demands of the healthcare profession are relentless, with providers under constant pressure to deliver quality care, adhere to strict policies, …

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Political Spending Influence Reduction is a Top Priority for American Voters Ahead of 2024 Election Cycle

Des Moines, Iowa – As the United States braces for what could be the most expensive election cycle in history, a recent report by the Pew Research Center reveals that a significant number of Americans view reducing the influence of political spending as a key priority. Surpassing issues like healthcare costs and immigration, nearly two-thirds of Americans surveyed highlighted the importance of decreasing the role of money in politics. The sentiment towards curbing political spending …

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