Police Investigate Texas Care Home After Multiple Client Deaths, Operator Charged with Murder

Arlington, Texas – A distressing inquiry is underway as investigators have connected over 20 deaths since September 2022 to an assisted living care facility operated by a woman now charged with murder and other serious offenses. This unsettling pattern emerged from the scrutiny of “Love & Caring for People LLC,” managed by Regla “Su” Becquer. In March, amid growing allegations of neglect, inadequate care, theft, fraud, and abuse at her care operations, Becquer was charged …

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Texas Care Facility Operator Charged as Probe Links 20 Deaths to Alleged Neglect and Abuse

Arlington, Texas — Local police are escalating their investigations into a series of mysterious fatalities tied to a purported assisted living facility operated by 49-year-old Regla “Su” Becquer. Since September 2022, over 20 deaths of clients linked to the facility have set off alarm bells within the community and law enforcement. Becquer, who ran the “Love & Caring for People LLC,” now finds herself at the center of a grave legal battle, facing a murder …

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