Don’t Let Bad Timing and Inflation Derail Your Retirement

Have you heard about the sequence of returns risk? A sequence of returns risk shows how your retirement can be better or worse, depending on how the market is performing when you retire. Some people are fortunate enough to retire when the markets are good, and their investments enjoy substantial growth in those early years, which helps them better withstand losses later in their retirement. Other people have the terrible luck of retiring in a …

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Three Key Components To Maximize Your Retirement Savings

If your working years were spent as an employee, your taxes on wages were pretty straightforward. You worked and contributed to employer-based benefits, and the net was reported to you on a W-2 form, which you used to plug into your 1040 tax form. There is not much wiggle room for reporting that income and paying the associated taxes. The good and the bad of retirement income planning is that you have all the control. …

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Avoid This Social Security Mistake: Protect Your Financial Future

One must find out if living long enough to benefit from a delayed filing is guaranteed. The monthly Social Security benefit you receive is based on your lifetime earnings, specifically the income earned during your 35 most profitable years in the workforce. However, the age at which you file will also determine the monthly amount you receive from Social Security. If you were born in 1960 or later, once you reach the full retirement age …

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