Pension Rights of Retirees at Risk: How De-risking Shifts Financial Burden onto Workers

DETROIT, MI – Companies in the United States have been shifting their pension obligations to insurers, lessening their own financial risk while leaving former employees to bear more of the burden. This trend, known as pension de-risking or pension stripping, has raised concerns about the potential impact on retirees nationwide. Corporate de-risking involves transferring the responsibility for delivering retirement income promised by defined benefit pension plans to insurance providers, private equity funds, or other financial …

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Snowplow parents: New study shows majority of parents have given financial help to adult children in the past year

NEW YORK, NY – A recent study by Pew Research has found that three-fifths of parents with adult children provided them with financial assistance in the past year. This highlights the trend of modern parenting extending well beyond a child’s 18th birthday. Financial planners caution that supporting adult children can be costly, emphasizing the importance of parents meeting their own financial needs. Previous Pew research has shown that nearly half of adults under 30 years …

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$2200 Social Security Benefit Now Available for Senior Citizens – Financial Assistance for All

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. federal government has announced a new flat Social Security benefit of $2200 for eligible senior citizens. This benefit is aimed at providing financial assistance to those in need due to low-income sources. The increase in this monthly payment is intended to help seniors manage their expenses in the face of rising living costs and inflation. The additional support comes as a response to the growing number of senior citizens living …

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Financial Samurai: Living Off Passive Income and Real Estate Investments

San Francisco, California – Achieving financial independence can be a significant milestone for many individuals. However, as circumstances change, so too can financial situations. Sam Dogen, the founder of Financial Samurai, experienced this firsthand when he chose to sacrifice his financial independence in exchange for a multimillion-dollar house. At 34 years old, Dogen’s portfolio and real estate investments were generating about $80,000 annually, providing enough income for him and his wife to sustain their lifestyle …

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Retirement Planning Expert Shares Financial Advice for Couple Seeking Income Stream During Retirement

Toronto, Canada – A couple in their fifties is facing the challenge of planning for retirement and generating a steady income stream to supplement a corporate executive’s defined benefit pension. David, 57, is preparing to retire from his high-paying job, while his 55-year-old wife, Greta, is already retired. With an adult son and a mortgage-free house, the couple’s primary concern is establishing a reliable source of retirement income in addition to David’s pension. The couple’s …

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Tax-Free Social Security Benefits Bill Aims to Ease Financial Burden on Seniors

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new bill is being introduced in Congress that aims to make Social Security benefits tax-free for seniors. The proposed legislation would provide relief to retirees by eliminating taxes on their Social Security income. Currently, about 12 million seniors pay federal income tax on their Social Security benefits, according to the Senior Citizens League. The new bill, known as the Social Security Tax Freedom Act, seeks to change that by exempting Social …

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Lifeline Amid Financial Worry: Households Rely on Social Security Benefits

Austin, Texas – More than 71 million Americans rely on Social Security benefits, nearly 54 million of whom are 65 or older. As of June, the average retired worker receives a monthly payment of $1,837 — and, for many, benefits are more of a lifeline than a check. Among older Americans, 37% of men and 42% of women count on Social Security for at least 50% of their income. About 12% of men and 15% …

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Generation Z Redefines Financial Literacy with Trendy Money Language as US Schools Fall Short

New York, US – Many US schools have been falling short when it comes to teaching financial literacy, leaving an entire generation burdened by money issues to develop their own unique language around the topic. The lack of education on subjects like insurance, credit card debt, and retirement savings has led young Americans to seek financial advice from unconventional sources, including social media platforms like TikTok. A survey by Forbes Advisor revealed that 79% of …

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Suspension of Social Security Benefits: What Financial Advisors Need to Know

Tulsa, Oklahoma – A financial advisor recently posed a common inquiry about Social Security benefits. The advisor asked whether his 68-year-old client could suspend his Social Security retirement benefit to earn delayed retirement credits. The answer to this question involves several important tax and personal finance considerations for the client. According to guidance from the Social Security Administration, if an individual has reached full retirement age but is not yet 70, they can request to …

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Financial Planning: Examining Your Financial Situation to Develop Seamless Strategies for Goal Attainment

Los Angeles, California – Managing money can be a daunting task, causing financial anxiety for many individuals. However, with strategic financial planning, individuals can alleviate this stress and work towards achieving their short- and long-term financial goals. Financial planning is a comprehensive process that involves analyzing one’s financial situation and developing plans to reach specific objectives. One of the main reasons why financial planning is crucial is that it provides a sense of security during …

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