6 Things to Think About When Choosing a Financial Advisor

Hiring a financial advisor is one of those watershed moments in life, a fork in the road that may shape your financial future for decades. Research suggests that those working with a financial advisor feel better at peace about their finances and may have 15% more money to spend in retirement.

5 Interesting Facts You May Not Have Known About Retirement

As a new generation of Americans enters the market and workforce, many are also gearing up to exit. While most adult Americans have a general idea about what goes into building a good foundation for retirement, there may still be a few eclectic facts that may have slipped by. We aim to illuminate some of these facts so you can handle them during your retirement planning.

Why Bonds May Not Be A Retiree’s Best Option

It is time to evaluate your bonds’ performance and consider whether an alternative may suit you better. Long ago, it was recommended that investors who are nearing or already in retirement change the majority of their financial funds from equities to bonds.

When you retire, should you pay off your mortgage?

Thirty years ago, it was a rite of passage for many people to pay off their mortgage and then retire. This is no longer the norm. According to research done by Fannie Mae’s Economic and Strategic Research Group, Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1965, have more debt than earlier generations did at the same age and are less likely to own their own homes by the time they are ready to retire.

Why You Should Buy I Bonds Now

Treasury Series I savings bonds, one of the most exciting current bond offers, are expected to become less appealing in November when a new rate on the popular instrument is determined.

Want a Happier Retirement?

A happy retirement requires more than money. Here are seven things happy retirees do besides save for retirement.
 Here are seven habits that can boost retirement happiness.

The Benefits of Wills and Trusts

Surprisingly, 55% of Americans don’t have a will, but they’re crucial documents since they direct the distribution of your assets after your death. Without one, state laws determine who gets your assets, and your heirs may face delays and expenses trying to claim their inheritance. Here are some key facts about wills:

Naming a Trust as a Beneficiary

It is advantageous to name a trust as a beneficiary if your beneficiaries are minors, have disabilities, or cannot be trusted with large sums of money. To avoid future estate tax issues, some attorneys also recommend establishing a special trust as an IRA beneficiary to prevent its assets from becoming part of a surviving spouse’s estate.