Insurance Companies Now Required to Provide Equal Coverage for Mental Health Services in Michigan

Lansing, Michigan – Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation on Tuesday that will require insurance companies to provide equal coverage for mental health services and substance abuse disorder treatments, aligning them with coverage for physical health services. Whitmer emphasized the importance of ensuring that all individuals in Michigan have access to both mental and physical health care. She stated that the bipartisan bill she signed is a crucial step in closing loopholes that have previously hindered …

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Pensioners’ Plea for Equal Increases Goes Unanswered by Government

Georgetown, Guyana – Thousands of NIS pensioners in Guyana are facing disappointment this year as they have not seen an increase in their pensions. This lack of increase is due to a new minimum pension threshold of $43,000 per month set by the government. Many pensioners who are receiving slightly above this amount are feeling neglected and overlooked in the latest budget announcement. Critics are pointing fingers at the government for what they consider poor …

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