Spousal Social Security Benefits: How Divorcees Can Boost Their Income

Elderly individuals in Boca Raton, Florida, often face financial challenges after going through a divorce, especially if they have limited income. Many may qualify for Social Security benefits, but their checks may not be substantial if they have a limited work history or low earnings. However, there is a potential for ex-spouses to become the key to larger Social Security checks for some divorced individuals. When calculating Social Security benefits, the government assesses an individual’s …

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Maximizing Social Security Benefits: Working Divorcee’s Options for Collecting Full-Time While Claiming

Pittsburgh, PA – A newly 65-year-old divorcee from Pittsburgh wonders if she can collect Social Security and still work full-time. She is also curious about collecting her ex-husband’s benefits if they are more than hers. The woman visited her local SSA office, but they were unable to provide her with the answers she was seeking. The Social Security Administration has an “earnings test” that applies to anyone who collects benefits before reaching full retirement age. …

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