Medicaid Disenrollment Crisis: Millions of Americans Struggle to Regain Health Insurance

Jacksonville, Florida – A 2-year-old girl in Jacksonville, Florida, diagnosed with cystic fibrosis faced a health insurance crisis after losing her Medicaid coverage during the pandemic. The toddler’s mother, along with others, filed a lawsuit highlighting the urgent need for insurance to cover necessary medication and doctor visits. This story reflects a broader issue affecting communities nationwide as the Medicaid expansion, prompted by the pandemic, comes to an end. Many Americans who lost Medicaid coverage …

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Medicaid Unwinding Leads to Disenrollment and Uninsured Adults: Survey Findings

Jacksonville, Florida – A recent survey reveals that nearly a quarter of adults disenrolled from Medicaid since the beginning of 2023 are currently uninsured. The survey, conducted by KFF, examines the impact of Medicaid unwinding on enrollees. Overall, 19% of adults who were disenrolled from Medicaid in the past year reported being left uninsured. Among this group, 70% experienced a period of being without coverage, while 30% had another form of health insurance. Interestingly, almost …

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