Gender Pension Gap: Women Working 19 Years Longer to Recover £136,000 Discrepancy

London, England – A recent study has revealed that women in the United Kingdom are facing an additional 19 years of work to make up for the £136,000 gender pension gap shortfall. This alarming disparity highlights the ongoing issue of gender inequality in retirement savings and financial security for women in the country. The report points out that women, on average, earn less than men throughout their careers, leading to significantly lower pension savings over …

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Social Security Benefits Cut More Supported by Younger Generations: Survey Shows Discrepancy Among Age Groups

Boston, MA – Younger Americans are more open to the idea of cutting Social Security benefits for retirees in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the program, a recent survey revealed. The poll, conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on behalf of a notable publication, found that a majority of Americans across different generations agree that the Social Security program is in need of reform, although there is disagreement on the best approach for …

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