Justice Commission Probes Hospital After Assault Victim’s Distress Signals Ignored

Ballarat, Australia – A harrowing episode has come to light involving Sissy Austin, a 30-year-old Gunditjmara woman and former member of the First Peoples’ Assembly, who endured severe medical and systemic negligence after a violent assault. This troubling incident is currently under scrutiny by Victoria’s truth-telling Yoorrook Justice Commission. The distress began early last year when Austin was randomly attacked while running in a forest near Ballarat. Following the assault, she suffered severe head injuries, …

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Fiscal Commission Act Causing Controversy Over Social Security Benefit Cuts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Social security benefits continue to be a hot button issue as the House Budget Committee recently passed the Fiscal Commission Act of 2024. The bill garnered some bipartisan support, but it also faced criticism from some Democrats. The Fiscal Commission Act proposes the creation of a bipartisan commission aimed at improving the long-term fiscal condition of the federal government. This commission would focus on addressing the national debt-to-GDP ratio and finding solutions …

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Senate Mental Health Commission Proposal by Fetterman and Smith Gains Momentum

Johnstown, Pennsylvania – Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman and State Rep. Mindy Smith are advocating for the creation of a Senate mental health commission in Pennsylvania. Both politicians believe that establishing such a commission is crucial for addressing the mental health needs of their constituents. Fetterman and Smith are pushing for bipartisan support to make this initiative a reality. The proposed Senate mental health commission aims to prioritize mental health awareness and resources in the state. …

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Budget Committee Passes Bill to Establish Fiscal Commission Despite Concerns Over Medicare and Social Security Funding

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Budget Committee advanced legislation on Thursday to establish a bipartisan fiscal commission with the goal of addressing the government’s budget issues. The bill was approved 22-12, with three Democrats joining Republicans in passing the measure. The proposed commission would be responsible for creating a report and drafting legislation aimed at improving the government’s fiscal condition. Despite the advancement of the legislation, concerns were raised about the potential impact on programs …

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Social Security Changes Ignite Debate Over Fiscal Commission Act of 2023

The Fiscal Commission Act of 2023, H.R. 5779, has stirred up controversy within the House Budget Committee, sparking a heated debate over potential changes to Social Security. The bill proposes the creation of a bipartisan commission to review federal spending, but it is facing strong opposition from critics who argue that it poses a threat to Social Security. Concerns about the national debt, which has surpassed $34 trillion, have intensified the debate, leading to a …

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Health Policy Commission Faces Complex Evaluation of Steward Health Care’s Sale to Optum

Boston, Massachusetts – Members of the Massachusetts Policy Commission board are facing a daunting task as they delve into evaluating the proposed sale of Steward Health Care’s physician network to UnitedHealth Group’s Optum. The potential sale has raised concerns about the impact on patients and the viability of small community hospitals, prompting Commissioner Barbara Blakeney to describe the situation as “mind-bogglingly complex and potentially harmful.” Stewardship Health, the physician network in question, is set to …

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Wisconsin Elections Commission Rejects Recall Effort Against Top Elected Republican Amid Trump Controversy

Madison, Wisconsin – The Wisconsin bipartisan elections commission made the decision on Thursday to reject a petition aimed at initiating a recall election against the state’s prominent elected Republican official. This official has been at odds with former President Donald Trump, leading to Trump supporters launching the recall effort against Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. Their frustration stems from Vos’ refusal to decertify President Joe Biden’s victory in Wisconsin in 2020, along with his lack of …

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Pension Commission Guidelines Ensure Smooth Access to Retirement Benefits Under Contributory Pension Scheme

Lagos, Nigeria – Accessing retirement benefits under the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) in Nigeria is a well-regulated process overseen by the National Pension Commission (PenCom). PenCom, in accordance with the Pension Reform Act 2014 (PRA 2014), has established clear guidelines for Retirement Savings Account (RSA) holders to access their benefits when the time comes. According to Section 7(1) of the Pension Reform Act (PRA 2014), RSA holders are eligible to receive their benefits upon retirement …

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Trump Endorses House Candidate Supporting Fiscal Commission Cutting Entitlements and Raising Taxes

Washington D.C., United States – Former President Donald Trump’s endorsement of Republican House candidate Jodey Arrington from Texas has raised eyebrows due to Arrington’s support for a bipartisan fiscal commission that could potentially lead to cuts in entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare. Despite Trump’s public statements opposing such cuts and tax hikes, his backing of Arrington suggests otherwise. Arrington has expressed openness to the idea of raising taxes to address the federal budget …

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Union-led Mobilization Against GOP Commission to Cut Social Security and Medicare Gains Momentum

WASHINGTON – Unions across the nation are mobilizing members in an effort to stop a Republican plan for a secretive commission to cut Social Security and Medicare. The plan, sponsored by a Trumpite right-winger, has sparked outrage among workers and labor leaders, who fear the devastating impact it could have on working families, particularly people of color and younger workers. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., aims to insert the 13-member commission into key legislation, such …

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