Social Security Recipients Face Payment Changes Due to Calendar Alignment in June

Charlotte, North Carolina – Social Security recipients in Charlotte, North Carolina, may notice a shift in their payment schedules this month due to calendar quirks in June. While some recipients may receive their checks on a different date than usual, others may not receive a payment at all in June. However, rest assured that all recipients will still receive their full benefits for the month.

Social Security payments typically follow a straightforward schedule, with payments distributed around the same day each month to different beneficiary groups. The unique timing of June 1, falling on a weekend, and a federal holiday impacting payment dates have resulted in adjustments for certain recipients this month.

For individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), payments are usually made on the first day of every month, except when that day falls on a weekend or holiday. With June 1 landing on a Saturday, SSI recipients received their payment on May 31, meaning they will not receive a payment in June as they already received two payments in May.

Looking ahead, SSI recipients can expect to receive double payments in August and November as well, due to similar weekend start dates for September and December. On the other hand, beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) who have been receiving payments since before May 1997 are typically paid on the third day of each month.

These beneficiaries received their payments on June 3, reflecting the slight changes in schedule for this month. When the third day falls on a weekend, these payments are dispersed a day or two earlier to ensure timely delivery.

Apart from these groups, other SSDI recipients are paid based on the day of the month they were born. Those born between the 1st and 10th receive their payments on the second Wednesday of the month, while those born between the 11th and 20th are paid on the third Wednesday. Individuals born between the 21st and 31st receive their payments on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

As June unfolds, the different payment groups will receive their payments on varying dates, in line with the established schedule. Should any recipient not receive their check within three days from the expected payment date, the Social Security Administration recommends contacting them promptly at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance.