Social Security Overpayment: Widow hit with $41K debt, demands answers

Mansfield, Texas – A North Texas widow was left reeling after the Social Security Administration admitted to overpaying her by $41,514 in survivor benefits and has now demanded that she repay the entire sum. Delfina Prisock, a retiree from Mansfield, Texas, was shocked to receive the overpayment notice, and despite her appeal, she was denied three times. Unfortunately, Prisock’s story is not unique, as many Americans are receiving overpayment notices from the SSA.

Prisock’s life was turned upside down when she received the letter from the SSA in May 2023, stating that her benefits had been overpaid due to receiving a government pension from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. She claims that she had informed the SSA about her pension, and an agent admitted to making a mistake during a phone call. This error has left Prisock in distress, as the SSA intends to reduce or halt her benefits until her debt is covered.

The SSA has been under scrutiny for clawing back billions of dollars in overpayments from senior and disabled Americans in recent years. Despite recovering over $4.9 billion in overpayments, the agency still has $23 billion of overpayments uncollected, indicating that many more Americans may be receiving similar overpayment notices.

If someone receives an overpayment notice from the SSA, they are typically given at least 30 days to pay back the full amount or to submit an official appeal for a waiver or reconsideration. This situation has left Prisock and others like her in a vulnerable financial position, as they depend on their Social Security benefits for their everyday expenses.

The case of Delfina Prisock highlights the challenges faced by many Americans who rely on Social Security benefits and the consequences of overpayment errors by government agencies. The issue underscores the importance of responsible stewardship of public funds and the need for effective measures to minimize the risk of improper payments. As the SSA continues to address overpayments, it is crucial to provide support and guidance to individuals affected by these repayment demands.