Social Security Income: How Deferring Claims Can Increase Your Monthly Benefits to $4,873

Boston, Massachusetts – When it comes to claiming Social Security benefits, age plays a crucial role in determining one’s future income. Many retirees fail to realize the significant impact that age can have on their Social Security payments. By deferring claims until the age of 70, retired individuals have the potential to receive up to $4,873 in monthly benefits. However, this maximum payment is typically reserved for eligible retirees who have contributed with a high salary throughout their working years.

Social Security benefits are essential, even for those who have diligently saved for retirement. Waiting to collect benefits until reaching full retirement age (FRA) can significantly increase the amount received over a lifetime, despite the option to start benefits as early as age 62.

Delaying the start of Social Security payments has become a more sensible choice in recent times, especially with concerns about outliving one’s income during retirement. By waiting to claim benefits, individuals can reduce the risk of depleting their savings prematurely.

For women, who tend to live longer than men on average, strategies to increase income during retirement are particularly crucial. Delaying the receipt of Social Security benefits can result in a substantial rise in monthly income, providing financial security for those additional years of life.

While waiting until the age of 70 to claim Social Security benefits can lead to increased payments over a lifetime, the optimal decision varies for each individual. Factors such as health, family history, financial goals, and lifestyle preferences all play a role in determining the best time to start collecting benefits.

In 2024, retired workers can expect to receive an average monthly benefit of $1,900 through the Social Security retirement program. Payments range from $2,710 at age 62 to $4,873 at age 70, with adjustments made for cost of living increases.

Ultimately, the decision of when to start claiming Social Security benefits is a personal one that requires careful consideration of various factors. Whether one chooses to delay benefits until 70 or start earlier depends on individual circumstances, financial needs, and long-term goals for retirement.