Runner’s Behind-the-Scenes Role in Hunter Biden Trial News Coverage

Wilmington, Delaware – A group of dedicated runners played a crucial role in delivering real-time updates from the Hunter Biden trial to the public outside the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building. Without the use of electronic devices inside the courthouse, these runners served as the essential link between reporters inside the courtroom and news outlets around the world, including CNN.

One journalism student from the University of Delaware shared their experience as a runner during the trial. Despite the strict policy on electronics, which prevented the use of laptops and phones inside the building, the student expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work for CNN during this high-profile case. They described their role as a literal runner, responsible for collecting notes from reporters and delivering them to the production team on the ground, ensuring that live updates were maintained throughout the trial.

The tasks assigned to the runner included navigating multiple flights of stairs to bring the latest news updates from the trial to the producers. The student described the experience as both tedious and exhilarating, depending on the pace of the trial. Building relationships with the security guards over the course of the trial, they felt a sense of accomplishment when rushing to deliver the final verdict to the production team.

Looking ahead, the student acknowledged that covering the Hunter Biden trial was just the beginning of their journalism career. Despite the challenges and demands of the role, they viewed it as a valuable learning experience and a solid introduction to the world of court reporting. The dedication and hard work of the runners behind the scenes played a significant role in keeping the public informed about the proceedings of the trial, highlighting the importance of teamwork and communication in delivering news to the masses.