Record Number of OPM Retirement Claims Processed in February

Washington, D.C. – The Office of Personnel Management in February showed significant progress in processing retirement claims, hitting a high mark of 10,025 claims, the highest since April 2023. With 8,794 claims received during the month, OPM managed to process over 3,000 claims more than in January, providing relief to the backlog.

Following a notable increase in the backlog in January, OPM made commendable strides in reducing the backlog by 1,231 claims, bringing the total to 19,591 claims in February. While the backlog decreased slightly, OPM still remains over 6,000 claims above the desired target of 13,000.

In addition to the backlog reductions, OPM also saw improvements in the average processing time for February, achieving a new record of 47 days. The office reported that retirement cases completed in under 60 days on average took 29 days to process, while cases requiring over 60 days took around 135 days to complete.

The month of February brought about positive changes in OPM’s processing efficiency, setting a promising trend for the future. Despite the progress made, OPM acknowledges the need to continue efforts to further streamline the processing of retirement claims and reduce the backlog to meet operational goals efficiently.

As OPM continues to focus on improving retirement claim processing, the agency aims to enhance overall performance and service delivery to federal employees. The ongoing enhancements demonstrate OPM’s commitment to addressing challenges and optimizing its operations to better serve its constituents.

Efforts to enhance operational efficiency and reduce backlog are critical for OPM to fulfill its core mission effectively and ensure timely delivery of retirement benefits to federal employees. By implementing strategic initiatives and leveraging technology, OPM can enhance its processing capabilities and provide improved services to its stakeholders.

The improvements in retirement claim processing for February reflect OPM’s dedication to enhancing operational efficiency and delivering quality services to federal employees. With continued efforts and strategic initiatives, OPM can build on this progress and further optimize its operations to meet the evolving needs of its beneficiaries.