Payment Schedule: Social Security Beneficiaries Born Between 11th-20th to Receive $1,900 on April 17th

Baltimore, Maryland – Social Security beneficiaries in Baltimore, Maryland, can expect to receive their monthly payments according to a specific schedule based on their date of birth. This system ensures that individuals receive their average payment of $1,900 dollars in a timely manner each month.

The payment schedule dictates that those born between the 11th and 20th of the month will receive their payments on the third Wednesday of that month. In April, this date falls on the 17th. The timing of the payment issuance is directly tied to the beneficiary’s date of birth – with variations based on whether they were born in the first, second, or third week of the month.

For individuals born between the 1st and 10th of the month, payments are issued on the second Wednesday. Those born between the 21st and 31st can expect their payments to arrive on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The system is designed to provide a structured and organized way to disburse payments to beneficiaries, ensuring fairness and efficiency across the board.

However, there are exceptions to this schedule. Those who retired before 1997 or receive SSI benefits will not follow this standard payment timeline. Instead, they can anticipate receiving their payments during the first few days of the month, offering them a slightly different timetable for accessing their financial support.

Overall, the Social Security payment schedule implemented in Baltimore, Maryland, provides a clear and systematic way for beneficiaries to receive their much-needed financial assistance each month. By aligning payment dates with beneficiaries’ dates of birth, the system aims to streamline the process and ensure that individuals can rely on a consistent schedule for their Social Security payments.