Insurance Landscape Shift in Kansas Marketplace for 2024: Cigna Out, Aetna In

Topeka, Kansas – The landscape of health insurance plans in Kansas for 2024 is shifting, with changes in offerings from key insurers impacting the choices available to consumers. Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company’s decision not to offer plans in Kansas for 2024 has contributed to a decrease in the number of health plans on the marketplace. Additionally, Aetna Life Insurance Company, a newcomer to the Kansas marketplace for 2024, is offering a limited selection of plans across a smaller number of counties.

For the upcoming year, all eight insurers in Kansas are expanding their bronze, silver, and gold plan options, with one insurer also providing a bronze plan and three insurers offering catastrophic plans. Notably, there are no platinum plans available for individuals on the Kansas marketplace for the seventh consecutive year. Despite these changes, each county in Kansas continues to have at least two insurers offering coverage, with all plans falling under exclusive provider organization (EPO) plans that primarily cover in-network services, except in emergency situations.

As mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), dental coverage is considered an essential health benefit for children included in ACA-compliant health plans in Kansas. However, this benefit does not extend to adults, who may need to seek separate dental coverage options. Some insurers do offer policies that include both health and dental coverage for adults, but individuals can also opt to purchase stand-alone dental plans. It’s important to note that premium assistance through Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC) can only be applied to health plans, not stand-alone dental plans.

In 2024, there are a total of 15 stand-alone dental plans available from five insurers in Kansas, providing additional options for adults seeking dental coverage. This variety in dental plan offerings reflects the complexity of healthcare choices in the marketplace, as consumers navigate the different types of plans and coverage available to them. With the evolving landscape of health insurance options, individuals in Kansas will need to carefully consider their needs and priorities when selecting a plan that best fits their healthcare requirements and budget constraints.