Insurance Companies Now Required to Provide Equal Coverage for Mental Health Services in Michigan

Lansing, Michigan – Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation on Tuesday that will require insurance companies to provide equal coverage for mental health services and substance abuse disorder treatments, aligning them with coverage for physical health services.

Whitmer emphasized the importance of ensuring that all individuals in Michigan have access to both mental and physical health care. She stated that the bipartisan bill she signed is a crucial step in closing loopholes that have previously hindered individuals from receiving necessary care for mental health and substance abuse disorders.

The legislation, known as Senate Bill 27 and sponsored by state Sen. Sarah Anthony, garnered support from members of both Democratic and Republican parties in the House and Senate. Representative Mike Harris, a proponent of the new law, highlighted the integral connection between physical and mental health in maintaining overall well-being.

According to Marianne Huff, president and CEO of the Mental Health Association of Michigan, the bill reinforces the principles outlined in the Federal Mental Health Parity and Addictions Act of 2008. By recognizing the interconnected nature of the brain, mind, and body, this legislation underscores the importance of holistic health care.

During her recent State of the State address, Whitmer proposed various policies aimed at expanding mental health access across the state, with a particular focus on achieving parity between mental health services and physical health services.

The signing of this legislation marks a significant milestone in prioritizing mental health care in Michigan and ensuring that individuals can access the services and treatments they need for comprehensive well-being. By mandating equal coverage for mental health and substance abuse disorder treatments, the state is taking proactive steps to support the mental and physical health of its residents.