Insects Invade Midwest and Eastern US in Rare Spectacular Cicada Emergence

In Chicago, Illinois, the earth is about to come alive with the emergence of two groups of cicadas, Brood XIX and Brood XII. This rare event, not seen since 1803 during President Thomas Jefferson’s term in office, will bring trillions of these insects into the forefront, creating a buzzing chorus that has not been heard in centuries.

Cicadas are fascinating creatures with a unique life cycle, with only 10 out of the thousands of species considered periodical. These insects spend years underground feeding on plant sap before emerging in mass quantities to the surface.

The upcoming spring will witness the reemergence of Brood XIX, the largest of all periodical cicada groups, after 13 years underground. At the same time, Brood XII, a smaller group appearing every 17 years, will also make its presence known. This convergence will lead to a cacophony of cicadas popping up in up to 16 states across the midwestern and eastern United States.

The event has been playfully dubbed “cicada-geddon” or “cicada-palooza,” as huge clusters of cicadas will be found in urban and rural areas alike, creating a symphony that can be louder than a revving motorcycle. Despite the spectacle, these insects do not pose any harm to people or pets, as their mouthparts are designed for feeding on plant fluids rather than biting.

Experts believe that the overwhelming surge of cicadas each cycle ensures that a sufficient number will survive predators to ensure the next generation of these fascinating insects. However, human activities, such as global heating from the burning of fossil fuels, could potentially disrupt their natural cycles by causing them to emerge earlier than usual.

As people across the affected states prepare to witness this natural wonder, researchers urge them to appreciate the rare ecological spectacle unfolding before their eyes. This fleeting moment in nature’s cycle offers a chance for introspection and admiration for the beauty and resilience of these unique creatures.