Gun Storage Laws in California Could be Game-Changer for Gun Violence Outcomes

Good morning from Sacramento, California. State senators in California have recently passed sweeping legislation to tighten gun storage requirements, potentially granting President Biden a significant victory on the issue of gun violence. The bill aims to make it harder for individuals to access firearms for criminal purposes, with a particular focus on protecting children. This move comes in response to the alarming statistics that show firearms as the leading cause of death among children ages 1 to 17.

The Justice Department has put forth model gun storage legislation to encourage states to take action on gun safety, as Congress appears to be at a standstill on the issue. Several other states, including Arizona, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Utah, have introduced similar measures to enhance gun storage regulations, although they have not progressed as far as California’s bill. Notably, Oregon and Massachusetts have already implemented comparable regulations, highlighting a growing trend towards stricter gun safety laws in various states.

California’s legislation would extend gun storage rules to all residences, requiring owners to secure firearms in a lockbox or safe. State Senator Anthony Portantino believes that the measure has a better chance of passing in California’s Democratic-controlled legislature than in Congress. However, the bill may face legal challenges even if it is approved, as California Republicans and the NRA have criticized it as excessive and potentially infringing on Second Amendment rights.

In related news, Congress has released six funding bills to prevent a government shutdown, with priorities including fully funding veterans’ health care, offsetting cuts to physicians’ Medicare pay, and increasing funds for the Drug Enforcement Administration. Despite potential opposition from conservative Republicans, the bills are expected to pass easily, with House Speaker Mike Johnson likely needing to rely on Democrats for support.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit is set to hear oral arguments in a case challenging the Affordable Care Act’s mandate for private health insurers to cover certain preventive services at no cost to patients. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for healthcare access and affordability in the country.

On a different note, major retail pharmacy chains Walgreens and CVS are preparing to sell the abortion pill mifepristone in states where it is legal, potentially expanding access to this important medication. This move comes as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on how patients can access the drug later this month, highlighting the ongoing debate over reproductive rights in the United States.

As we look ahead to the rest of the week, key events include a roundtable discussion at the White House on reforming the business practices of pharmacy benefit managers and discussions in Congress on various health-related bills. Stay tuned for updates on these important developments.