Fraudulent Mobile Woman Guilty of Social Security Scam, Faces Prison Time

Mobile, Alabama – In a courtroom in Mobile, a local woman has admitted to deceiving the Social Security Administration. Cheryl Bradley pleaded guilty on Wednesday to providing false information about her marital status when applying for disability benefits, leading to over $88,000 in overpayments from 2007 to January 2023.

Bradley’s deception was uncovered when her husband also sought benefits last year, revealing conflicting information about their marriage history. While the couple claimed to have been married since 1988 and always lived together, Bradley had previously stated in 2007 during her application that they had been separated for two years. This inconsistency prompted an investigation by the Social Security Administration.

As a consequence of not accurately disclosing her husband’s income, Bradley received overpayments from the Social Security Administration, a federal agency responsible for providing financial assistance to those in need. Despite the potential for a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, prosecutors have indicated they may recommend leniency for Bradley during her sentencing scheduled for August 15.

The case highlights the importance of honesty and accuracy when applying for government benefits, as any misinformation can have serious legal repercussions. Bradley’s situation serves as a cautionary tale for those navigating the complexities of disability benefits and the responsibility that comes with accurately reporting personal information to government agencies.

The outcome of Bradley’s case will likely serve as a deterrent for others considering fraudulent activity when dealing with federal programs. It underscores the stringent measures in place to combat fraud and protect the integrity of social welfare programs designed to assist those in need. As the legal process unfolds, the implications of Bradley’s actions on her future and the consequences of her deception will continue to be examined in the judicial system.