Foster Children Struggle to Access Federal Benefits, Leaving Them Without Support: A Look at Lori Martin’s Story

Ventura, California – Lori Martin, a former foster youth, still grapples with the repercussions of her time in the system nearly three decades after running away from her foster home at 16. She has never received access to the federal benefits she is entitled to, highlighting a larger issue faced by foster children nationwide.

A recent study by the Children’s Advocacy Institute at the University of San Diego School of Law revealed that states are diverting federal benefits meant for foster children, leaving them without financial support as they transition out of the system at 18. This practice deprives these vulnerable young individuals of the resources necessary to pursue education and build a stable future.

In Martin’s case, she first entered foster care in 1991 after enduring severe abuse from her maternal grandmother. Throughout her time in foster homes, Martin encountered neglect and trauma, with only a few caregivers showing genuine care beyond the monthly compensation they received for her care.

Despite being eligible for various federal benefits, including survivor benefits, Social Security payments, and veteran’s payments, Martin was unaware of these entitlements until years after aging out of the system. This lack of awareness and support further exacerbated the challenges she faced as a former foster youth.

While federal law mandates that foster care agencies prioritize children’s best interests and utilize benefits for their needs or future savings, many states opt to intercept these funds for their own programs. This exploitation of foster children’s benefits underscores systemic issues within the foster care system.

The Children’s Advocacy Institute estimates that tens of thousands of foster children across the country are eligible for federal benefits that could significantly impact their post-foster care outcomes. Access to these resources could potentially prevent homelessness and increase educational opportunities for former foster youth, ultimately breaking the cycle of instability.

Despite efforts to address this issue at the legislative level, challenges persist, with some states continuing to withhold foster children’s benefits. The lack of awareness and advocacy surrounding this issue further marginalizes individuals like Martin, who continue to struggle without access to the financial support they deserve.

Martin’s story sheds light on the pervasive challenges faced by former foster youth and the urgent need for systemic reform to ensure their well-being and future success. As discussions on child welfare and foster care policies continue, it is imperative to prioritize the protection and support of vulnerable individuals who have experienced the foster care system firsthand.