Director of Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Appointed by Governor Brad Little

Boise, Idaho – Idaho Governor Brad Little has appointed Alex Adams, his current budget chief, to lead the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, addressing key issues within the agency. Adams, who has been serving as Little’s budget chief since 2019, will now oversee critical matters such as child care grants, a needle exchange program, Medicaid budget concerns, and the state’s involvement in a health data sharing service.

With a background in various leadership roles, including serving as the interim Idaho Public Charter School Commission director and executive director of the Idaho Board of Pharmacy, Adams brings a wealth of experience to his new position. His appointment as the head of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare comes amidst a time of significant challenges and controversies within the agency.

Executing major state government initiatives has been a key focus for Adams, with Governor Little expressing confidence in his ability to lead the health department effectively. Adams’ past contributions to policy initiatives, such as Idaho LAUNCH and school facility infrastructure improvements, highlight his commitment to driving positive change within the state.

Replacing interim health department director Dean Cameron, Adams steps into a crucial role overseeing Idaho’s largest state government agency with a substantial budget and a broad spectrum of responsibilities. The department manages essential social programs like Medicaid, SNAP, and the WIC program, in addition to providing public health services and regulating long-term care facilities.

Throughout the 2024 legislative session, Cameron worked towards reforming critical issues within the health department, including addressing deficiencies in grant distribution processes. Little commended Cameron for his leadership during the legislative session, emphasizing his wealth of experience in both the legislative and executive branches.

As Adams takes on his new role, Little also announced other administrative changes within his office. Lori Wolff, Little’s director of operations, will step into the role of budget chief, while Sara Stover, the governor’s director of cabinet affairs, will serve as deputy chief of staff. Little expressed gratitude for the dedication of his team members and looks forward to their continued contributions to public service in Idaho.