Delhi Fast Food Tragedy: Revenge and Rivalry Suspected in Burger King Shooting

New Delhi, India – In a brazen act of violence, the bustling Burger King outlet at Rajouri Garden in West Delhi became the scene of a deadly shooting on Tuesday night. Aman Joon, a 26-year-old man, was killed in what authorities believe to be a meticulously orchestrated revenge attack linked to a past murder involving gang rivalry.

According to the police, the ambush involved the firing of 38 bullets of three different makes, suggesting the use of multiple firearms by at least two assailants. The chaos led to Joon’s death behind the billing counter where he reportedly attempted to find cover from the gunfire. Witnesses described the shooters as being in their mid-20s to early 30s.

Further complicating the investigation, a mystery woman who had accompanied Joon just before the shooting fled the scene immediately after the attack, reportedly taking Joon’s phone with her. Law enforcement officials are keenly interested in her whereabouts as she is suspected of luring Joon to the spot under false pretenses, facilitating the fatal assault.

The police force’s focus has also extended internationally, with fingers pointing at Himanshu Bhau, a fugitive gangster currently believed to be in Portugal. Bhau, in a brazen admission on social media, claimed responsibility for the act. He asserted that the murder was in retaliation for the 2020 death of Shakti Singh, a cousin of notorious incarcerated gangster Neeraj Bawana. Singh was reportedly shot after being betrayed to a rival faction by Joon.

Bhau’s declaration on social media indicated a grim promise of continuing violence, threatening that “the turn will come soon” for others involved in Singh’s murder. Police are investigating the validity of these claims on social media while grappling with the direct implications of such public assertions. Bhau, associated with a gang actively involved in extortion across Delhi and Haryana, has been on the radar of Indian authorities since he left the country last year.

The 2020 incident that precipitated this grim chain of events occurred in Jhajjar, Haryana, where Neeraj Bawana’s cousin met his untimely death. Police disclosed that Bhau intended to ensnare Joon outside his usual environments to facilitate an ambush, with the Burger King meeting forming a central part of this deadly scheme.

This incident has incited fears about the escalating gang violence in the region and raised serious concerns about public safety. The audacious nature of the murder, the involved planning level, particularly the use of a civilian area for such a brutal act, underscores the growing brazenness of criminal gangs.

Authorities are under pressure to act swiftly to rectify public anxieties and dismantle the network of gang violence pervading the capital. The event has prompted a broader dialogue on what measures need to be implemented to safeguard ordinary citizens from becoming collateral in gang wars.

As the investigation continues, with efforts to trace the mystery woman and verify Bhau’s claims, there is a palpable tension in the air over potential further violence and the effectiveness of law enforcement strategies against organized crime. This tragic event not only highlights the personal tragedies of those directly involved but also ignites urgent questions about the law and order framework in New Delhi.