Conjoined twins, oldest in world record, pass away at 62 after inspiring lives

Lancaster, Pennsylvania – Conjoined twins who made history as the oldest individuals with this rare condition and the first to identify as different genders have passed away at the age of 62. Lori and George Schappell, known as the craniopagus twins due to being joined at the head, died on April 7 in a Pennsylvania hospital. Despite sharing 30 percent of their brains, they pursued distinct careers and passions throughout their lives. Lori excelled as a trophy-winning bowler, while George made a name for himself as a country singer, performing across the United States.

Born in 1961, doctors initially gave the twins just a year to live. However, they defied the odds and lived independently in their own apartment, with Lori caring for George, who had spina bifida and required a wheelchair for mobility. Despite the lack of surgical options to separate them, the twins refused to succumb to discouraging prognoses. Their parents were initially convinced to institutionalize them for over two decades, but Lori and George always looked ahead, carving their unique paths into adulthood.

In a groundbreaking move in 2007, George made the decision to transition, marking the twins as the world’s first conjoined pair to identify as different genders. Their daily lives involved navigating their individual spaces within their shared home, rotating sleeping arrangements, showering at different times, and learning to navigate disagreements when they arose. Despite their physical connection, Lori emphasized in a 2002 interview that they strived for a sense of normalcy and happiness in their lives.

The duo’s story serves as a powerful testament to resilience, determination, and the ability to redefine what it means to live a fulfilling life. Their unwavering spirit in the face of extraordinary circumstances inspires all who hear of their journey. As the world mourns their passing, Lori and George leave behind a legacy that transcends the boundaries of physical limitations, reminding us all of the strength found in unity and individuality.