Unlocking the Secrets of the Perfect Savings Recipe for Social Security Supplementation

To ensure a comfortable retirement, it’s essential to have savings in addition to relying on Social Security. But how do you determine the ideal amount of savings you should aim for? It is widely known that depending only on Social Security benefits is not recommended since these benefits usually only replace approximately 40% of your income before retirement. However, this figure assumes an average income and benefits won’t be significantly reduced when Social Security’s trust …

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The Right Moves for Your Retirement in a Bear Market

Inflation and market downturns can make retirement a difficult choice. According to economists and advisers, the market’s performance in the first few years of retirement can considerably impact how long a nest egg lasts, partly because losses are larger when a portfolio is typically at its largest.  It isn’t always possible to time your retirement to coincide with a bull market. Researchers have found that even people who retired at the worst time to do so …

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