Are Seniors Being Poisoned by Work? The Startling Truth About the Effects of Continued Employment

The impact of retirement and working longer on older adults is a complex issue. While some argue that working longer provides mental stimulation and wards off chronic diseases, it is vital to consider the overall effects. Voluntary retirement is generally associated with greater health, control, and well-being. However, when older individuals are forced into retirement, the health effects can be damaging. Unfortunately, over 50% of retirees are pushed out involuntarily. Working conditions and unemployment can …

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Here Is How To Say Relevant In Retirement

Research and surveys often point to deteriorating health, running out of money, and adult children as the biggest fears among new and existing retirees. But a lot of those studies and reports miss a more personal and deep-rooted fear and one that intensifies over time when activity slacks and new stimuli are absent. It’s the retiree’s fear of losing influence, connections, and overall relevance. Initially, retirement can feel like finally reaching the top of the …

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